Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Compasses by Antonise

Compasses been around for a long time even be for you were born.
Compasses have magnetic element which points the direction of the horizontal.

Magnetic compasses are an old Chinese invention, invented during the Qin dynasty. The first compass was a simple piece of lodestone floating in water.
Compasses determine direction relative to the Earth's magnetic poles. A magnetized pointer in compasses aligns itself with Earth's magnetic field. The compass became useful when traveling in the ocean and on land.
Compasses are capable of directing towards the magnetic north of a planet's magnetosphere . Generally compasses point in all directions --north, south, east, and west-- but the biggest part of the arrow always points north.
The compasses was invented around 247 B.C.

The compass has been around for a very long time and is still very useful.

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