Hey everybody this is an interview on guys/gi
rls' thoughts on why guys rely on each other more than girls. So if you're wondering what they have to say, then here is the girls/guys opinions.

Girl Statement:
Girl: Well because their dumm also because they don't know what their talking about. 

Girl:Because guys are insecure, and they treat girls like crap stuck to their shoes!
Girl:Bcause they're like brothers.
Girl:Because they're idiots who don't care about people!
Girl: because they really trust each other and there like brothers.
Girl:because guys think that girls probaly dont understand them.
Boy Statement:
Boy:Because girls are decietful, girls only talk about themselves,and guys talk about something that really matters.
Boy: Girls are evil back stabing fools who are put on the planet to carrupt man humanity.
Boy: Because guys dont snitch on each others & that we know them already also girls cant keep ANYTHING 2 themself!
Boy: Guys can trust each other more and girls arent rellable and you cant trust them at all.
Boy: Because guys know what they like to do.
Boy: They're closer to each-other than to girls.
Anonymous Girl:
I think the guy's wrote their statement's because they think they know everything about girls. They swear that they are better than girls!
Anonymous Boy:
The girls say what they say because girls dont understand are manlyness. p.s-guys rock!
Well there you have it.